ZeroJudge E457: Segment Tree Practice

UVa 12532 – Interval Product

Up to N = 10^5 numbers X1 ... XN, and K queries {only two formats} CIV or PIJ

CIV means changing the value of Xi to V, while PIJ means outputting the sign {positive, negative, or 0} of the consecutive product of Xi to Xj.

For multiple sets of input data, each set should have one output line. Please refer to the example for details.

Sample Inputs/Outputs

Sample Input(s)Sample Output(s)
The input should end with EOF. Each set of data starts with two positive integers, N and M, on the first line. The second line contains N numbers representing the sequence. Following that are M lines, each containing a character and two integers, A and B.When the character is 'C,' replace the data at the Ath position in the sequence with B. When the character is 'P,' if the product of the numbers from position A to B is positive, output "+"; if negative, output "-"; if zero, output "0."
4 6
-2 6 0 -1
C 1 10
P 1 4
C 3 7
P 2 2
C 4 -5
P 1 4
5 9
1 5 -2 4 3
P 1 2
P 1 5
C 4 -5
P 1 5
P 4 5
C 3 0
P 1 5
C 4 -5
C 4 -5
ZeroJudge E457 範例測資

Thought Process

Build a segment tree data structure to update data and confirm the product of a segment.

Sample Code-ZeroJudge E457: Segment Tree Practice

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;


void build(int l, int r, int id)
    if (l == r)
        if(num[l] > 0) tree[id] = 1;
        else if(num[l] < 0) tree[id] = -1;
        else tree[id] = 0;
    int middle = (l+r)/2;
    int L = id*2+1;
    int R = id*2+2;
    build(l, middle, L);
    build(middle+1, r, R);
    if((tree[L] < 0 and tree[R] < 0) or (tree[L] > 0 and tree[R] > 0)) tree[id] = 1;
    else if((tree[L] < 0 and tree[R] > 0) or (tree[L] > 0 and tree[R] < 0)) tree[id] = -1;
    else tree[id] = 0;

void change(int pos, long long int val, int l, int r, int id)
    if (l == r)
        tree[id] = val;
        if(val > 0) { tree[id] = 1; num[l] = 1; }
        else if(val < 0) {tree[id] = -1;  num[l] = -1;}
        else {tree[id] = 0; num[l] = 0;}
    int m = (l+r)/2;
    if (pos <= m) change(pos, val, l, m, (id*2)+1);
    else change(pos, val, m+1, r, (id*2)+2);
    tree[id] = tree[id*2+1] * tree[id*2+2];

int search(int l, int r , int L , int R , int id)
    if (l == r) return num[l];
    if (l == L && r == R) {
        return tree[id];
    int m = (L+R)/2; //中間點 --> 左半邊:L~m;右半邊:m+1~R
    if (r <= m) //l跟r都小於m (因為r有小於m的話l就一定會小於m) --> 要找的資料都在左半邊
        return search(l, r, L, m , id*2+1);
    else if (l > m) //l跟r都大於m (因為l有大於m的話r就一定會大於m) --> 要找的資料都在右半邊
        return search(l, r, m+1, R , id*2+2);
    else //兩邊都有需要找的東西
        return search(l, m, L, m , id*2+1) * search(m+1, r, m+1, R , id*2+2);

int main() {
    int N, M;
    while (cin >> N >> M)
        for(int i = 0; i<(2*N)-1; i++)
        for (int i = 0; i<N; i++)
            int tmp;
            cin >> tmp;
        build(0, N-1, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i<M; i++)
            char ch;
            cin >> ch;
            if (ch == 'C')
                int pos, val;
                cin >> pos >> val;
                change(pos-1, val, 0, N-1, 0);
                int l, r;
                cin >> l >> r;
                int tmp = search(l-1, r-1, 0, N-1 , 0);
                if (tmp > 0) cout << '+';
                else if (tmp < 0) cout << '-';
                else cout << '0';
        cout << "\n";

//ZeroJudge E457
//Dr. SeanXD
