ZeroJudge O078: Word Vacancy

Given a set of K letters and a string S, find the lexicographically smallest string of length L that is not a substring of S, using the given set.

For example, for the letter set {a, c, m}, the sorted list of strings of length 2 is: aa < ac < am < ca < cc < cm < ma < mc < mm. If the string S is "accaamcm", then "ma" is the lexicographically smallest string that is not a substring of S.

Sample Inputs/Outputs

Sample Input(s)Sample Output(s)
The first line contains a lowercase string of length K (1 <= K <= 10) representing the letter set. The characters are guaranteed to be unique and sorted in ascending order.
The second line contains a positive integer L (1 <= L <= 8, 1 <= K^L <= 6 * 10^5).
The third line contains a lowercase English string S (L <= |S| <= 5 * 10^5).
Output the smallest lexicographically string that satisfies the given conditions.

Thought Process

Use DFS to calculate all combinations. Because there can be duplicate characters, the DFS function only needs the current concatenated string as a parameter. Declare a Map to record the combinations, named MAP. When the length of the string in DFS == L, MAP[string]++ and return.

Run a for loop from 0 to S.length() - L, and declare another Map to record the substrings of length L in S, named appear. Inside, run another for loop from the current position i to i+L, concatenating strings from the current position to the length L. After concatenation, an increment appear[just concatenated string]++.

Afterward, run a for loop for (auto it : MAP), where you need to check all combinations in K. If appear[it.first] == 0, it means that S does not have this substring, but DFS just calculated this it.first. This is the answer, so output it.first and break the loop. When running for (auto it : MAP), it will iterate through the strings in order, so the first one encountered will be the smallest lexicographical string.

Sample Code-ZeroJudge O078: Word Vacancy

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

string K, str;
int L;
map<string, int>MAP;

void DFS(string add) {
    if (add.length() == L) {
    for (int i = 0; i<K.length(); i++) DFS(add+K[i]);

int main() {
    cin >> K >> L >> str;
    map<string, int>appear;
    for (int i = 0; i<=str.length()-L; i++) {
        string tmp = "";
        for (int j = i; j<i+L; j++) tmp += str[j];
    for (auto it:MAP) {
        if (appear[it.first] == 0) {
            cout << it.first << "\n";

//ZeroJudge O078
//Dr. SeanXD
